Saturday, 19 December 2009

tattoo gallery unique style


tattoo design for all it's beautiful body combine with a sexy body.the tattoo exhibitions can award yesterday in the field of unique tattoo.Can you can put the UV rays into good use? Yes, you can If you’re the one who wishes to get a tattoo (not the permanent one) why not give it a try.

The next time you tan, why not grab a Sun Tattoo and put those UV rays into good use. The soft stenciled patterns allows sun to hit only certain areas on your body. Bake long enough and you’ve got yourself a very unique tan. Of course I can’t endorse tanning since for the most part is dangerous but if you’re one whom can’t stay away from the sun and have a wild flair for the unusual, you might like this.

Tongue Tattoo gallery unique


tattoo unusual tattoo we see the tongue, the tongue tattoo is still rare to see, but it was really strange tattoo seluh tongue in the picture.we wonder how to do to make it and how the pain.tongue tattoo is the most difficult for the picture.

picture emotional healing tattoo gallery


picture emotional healing tattoo gallery

women who want to express themselves through tattoos can juaga addition to beautify body.even though many people are negative about my neighbor regular tattoo tattoo but also on the stickers on certain parts.An article on trendhunter, points to new wave of women who've undergone breast surgery getting tattoos on their breast after reconstructive surgery. Some of the women have had surgery after breast cancer, while others have just gone through a reduction or augmentation. Either way it seems to be a new way to make something beautiful out of the things that scar us.

tattoo gallery,tattoo picture

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Risky Business tattoo gallery


Risky Business tattoo gallery

men will look more manly if it has a tattoo and most of the women also like men who tattoo.How with you?A recent article in womens adventure magazine examines whether women are more risk averse then men. Here's the "facts."

When men are confronted with challenging situations, they typically produce adrenaline, which is what causes them to run around, hollering like frat boys at a kegger. An adrenaline rush is a good feeling, but when confronted with the same situation, women produce a different chemical, called acetylcholine.

“Pretty much what [acetylcholine] does is it makes you want to vomit,” says Jody.

Research, Jody says, shows that women have more cross-networking between the two hemispheres of the brain, which subconsciously allows them to evaluate different sensory cues, facts, and emotions when making decisions. The cause of this difference probably lies somewhere in the debate of nature versus nurture and the history of evolution.

So either women are scaredy cats or there's good reason to be scared. My theory. There's a reason women live longer. Some risks are just stupid. But I'm also a sissy